Tuesday 7 July 2009

Yoga Sadhana

I've been studying with Diane Long for over five years. My body had obviously changed enough so that during our two week visit to Italy in May to work with her I began to get glimpses of understanding what it means to open the knees and how the feet affect the spine.

Diane often says that what you find should be true in all situations - otherwise it's just a trick. Since our return I have, in my practice, been exploring these latest insights and their effect on a variety of postures.

This morning I spent some time working in Virabhadrasana II (Warrior 2), using the feet to make length between the knee and hip of the bent leg. A feeling I would describe as the knee and hip playing tug of war with the thigh! This was activating muscles that would rather have been left to doze so the work was intense and I could only maintain the position for a short while.

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